New Release - Tracked Down By The Mountain Man

New Release - Tracked Down By The Mountain Man


There was this annoying boy that hung out with my big brother. He teased me incessantly and I hit back with my own brand of snarkiness. Yes, I devised hundreds of ways to be a little pest to Leo and my brother, Bear.

On one level, I enjoyed the quick banter the two of us exchanged. On the other hand, I wanted to punch him in the gut.

The thing is ... I never thought he would grow up and turn into the muscular hunk that makes me dizzy with thoughts that only come to me now as a woman.

And there is another set of problems: Leo's not known to settle down with any one female. Plus, he's my brother's lifelong best friend.

Welcome to my story!

Meet Bear -- my big brother that still protects me to this day.

He's finally getting married to Angela, a fabulous Goddess of a woman all the way from NYC.

I'm returning from Arizona where I now live and teach high school students. I'm headed back to Cady Springs, Colorado for the wedding. Angela has asked me to be her Maid of Honor and I take the role quite seriously. I'm thrilled!

I just never expected to find that Leo had matured into the man he is in front of me today. We spot each other while he's arranging flowers inside the wedding reception tent. Of course, I tease him about it.

Quickly, I find I'm drawn to him like a moth to a flame. I'm trying like hell to stay away from that hot fire. I don't need to get burned. I know his reputation. I've heard Bear talk about Leo's escapades. He's not settling down with any woman and I don't want to be a casualty on his wild west female conquest tour.


Yet, there's something so familiar and at the same time new about Leo. Always, I can count on the fact that his unpredictability is .... predictable. I know his joking nature and how charismatic he is with others. It's part of what makes him so much fun.

Even fully clothed, I can tell that he is hard as steel, his muscles chiseled over his frame. He makes me sigh inside and feel things I've not felt for any other guy. 

I'm torn between wanting to seduce him or climbing into a dark corner and hiding from him.

And then there's my brother. He's not going to approve of Leo and I becoming a "thing".

I already know that.

Mom and dad are aware of Leo's reputation. While they adore Leo and see him almost as family, they won't want me hooking up with him.

I have to forget him. I'll get through this wedding and head back to my lonely little life in Arizona where the only pleasure I have is my job teaching.

Leo is the Best Man and I am the Maid of Honor. We will be in close proximity to one another throughout this wedding. I must keep my wits about me and not fantasize about something that isn't and can never be. 



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