Starry Sky Among The Mountains

New Release - Starstruck By The Mountain Man

Many love stories begin with two souls who know nothing of one another until opportunity strikes. It took incredible luck for these two very different characters to fall in love. It happened during a dark Colorado night of shooting stars, bringing their unspoken wishes into real life.


Hi Romance Reader,

I thoroughly enjoyed crafting this story of Bear, the tall, dark and handsome mountain man who admits he's spoiled living within his reclusive habitat in the Rocky Mountains. When tourists for the latest meteor shower camp close to his property line, the curvy magazine travel writer and photographer, Angela, with long, wavy dark hair is among them. From the first time Bear sees her from afar, he is intrigued enough to leave his comfort zone and make himself known to the traveling group of stargazers.

Meanwhile, Angela spots a cabin from afar while setting up camp and is curious about it from the start. She soon forgets about the cabin as she begins shooting photos of the surrounding wilderness. Her main goal, however, is to film and photograph the night sky. That's why she's here.

Bear introduces himself as the adjacent landowner on the mountain and asks the group if he can stay and stargaze with them. Of course, they oblige. Bear's main reason for being there is this incredible pull he feels toward Angela.

At dusk, he asks if she would like to go visit a nearby field of wildflowers he knows of. Angela is all in and brings her camera along. And so the brief courtship begins in this instalove steamy romance.

After the most amazing fiery kiss she's ever experienced, Angela finds out that Bear is an integral part of the Cady Springs Mountain community. There's no way his absence would not be felt and experienced hard by many of the residents.

Still, she's falling uncontrollably for the rugged mountain man -- just like the falling stars they watch together from the night sky above.

 New York City is where she's made her mark in the world of journalism. To walk away from everything she has worked for would be foolish. Angela has a sizeable travel allowance to go anywhere in the world she wants to do a story. She can't call these natural mountains home instead of the manmade ones in the Big Apple.

But, she's hooked on Bear.

His loving is too much to throw away. 

Bear is fiery, full of steam and wants her with him forever.

To top it all off, she discovers Bear has a fear of flying.

What to do?

Will Angela leave Bear and make her way back to the city that never sleeps?

Or, will she and Bear find a way toward their happily-ever-after?

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